Bills Passed both Houses 2021:HB 34 – DCEO may award partial eligibility points to Enterprise Zone in certain instances; sets forth provisional certification and decertification as well as suspension of benefits to specific businesses rather than decertification of the Enterprise Zone; changes criteria for determining Enterprise Zones and underserved areas. HB 571 – Allows a municipality to choose the financial advisor or underwriter to prepare its TIF and do its Reporting; Sets forth reporting under the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. HB 1769 – Creates the Reimagining Electric Vehicles Act. Gives financial incentives for manufacturers of electric vehicles, component parts, and power supply equipment. Sets forth rules for those manufacturers wanting tax credits regarding labor agreements, and reports to be submitted to DCEO regarding diversity. HB 1855 – Allows DCEO to establish the Illinois Innovation Voucher Program to foster research and development in key industries which may lead to new products and services marketed by Illinois businesses. Allows for collaboration with Illinois institutions of higher education and sets rules for receiving the innovation vouchers. HB 2411 – Extends the use of the South Suburban Brownfields Redevelopment Act to 2026 HB 3666 – Amends the Electrical Vehicle Act and requires any grant or rebate applicant to comply with the Prevailing Wage Act; amends the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act that records of each contractor, subcontractor engaged in High Impact Business Construction jobs must include specific information. Expands the definition of Public Works to include utility-scale solar power facilities, electric vehicle charging stations, and renewable energy projects required to pay prevailing wage. SB 0157 – River Edge Income tax credit for restoration and preservation of a qualified historic structure located in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone. SB 1690 – Amends the Economic Development for a Growing Economy Tax Credit Act and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law to create the Illinois Small Business Fund in the State Treasury. It repeals the Illinois Small Business Incubator Article of the Act within the Build Illinois Act. SB 1822 – Amends the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code to provide that transit facilities must be evaluated for environmental effects, and housing impact. The bill sets forth definitions for transit area. A redevelopment project area established within a transit facility before the effective date of the Act shall satisfy contiguity requirements. The bill extends the date of completion of various redevelopment project areas in the state. SB 1833 – provides that DCEO shall establish criteria and guidelines for cultural districts in Illinois and must establish an advisory committee to advise the Department. Sets the composition of the advisory committee and limits DCEO may not award mor than 5 State-designated cultural district every year with the total limit set as 15. SB 2017 – is the FY ’22 Budget Implementation Act that corresponds with the FY ’22 Budget which is SB 2800. This year’s budget bill was combined with the Capitol bill. SB 2279 – is a Department of Revenue Omnibus bill that requires a taxpayer that ceases operations in Illinois that is subject of an EDGE agreement, then that taxpayer liability shall be increase by the amount of any credit allowed prior to ceasing operations in the state. SB 2408 – creates Clean Energy in the State of Illinois. The Energy Transition Act provides the parameters of clean jobs workforce, curriculum, and transitions. This bill passed during a special session in September. It had been being negotiated for the last two years. A Master List of all tracked legislation can be found [here].